Wondering What The Difference Between A Jew, A Semite And A Zionist Is?
Everything you need to live well A lot of people especially the Eastern part of Nigeria claim to be related to Jews. Sometimes, some claim that they are Zionists or Semite. With such confusion going around and academic books not been left out, there is no doubt that these terms are often confused with each other. To properly put you through, here is a guideline on the difference between a jew, semite and zionist. – Jew – Originally a Jew was an inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah that existed in the Middle East, centred on Jerusalem, from around 940 to 586 BC. The term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word “yehudi”, which means “from the Kingdom of Judah”. The word passed into Latin as “judaeus”; the “d” was dropped as it evolved into “giu” in Old French, later moving into early English in various forms from the year 1,000. It also is the root of Judaism, the Jewish religion which is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions and established more ...
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